Tuesday 25 October 2011

The Spirit World

The spirit world,
Takes work to get into,
It's a far off place,
Weird and wonderful,
If you don't commit,
You won't get there,
You'll get a taste,
But only a glimmer,
It can be hard,
Beware the whirling pit,
Then you've gone too far,
But you have to commit,
If you can get beyond the pit,
Past the swirl and sickness,
You reach a magical place,
Bright lights and stardust,
Then you're in the spirit world,
Things become sharp and bright,
It's a magical place,
In the dark or daylight,
You cannot own the spirit world,
There is no way,
But you can visit,
Just know that tomorrow, you're gonna pay,
I wouldn't stay in the spirit world,
Past the lights and clarity,
It's a dangerous place,
Full of doubts, pain and anxiety,
The trouble lies in the spirit,
Partly in the world too,
You can commit to it,
But the spirit world owns you.